Become a Member at Corral Creek Stables, LLC
Corral Creek Stables is now offering haul-in memberships! Haul-in members can use all the CCS facilities including arena, round pen, lounge and grounds. You will be invited to our social events and get special discounts and preferred access to clinics.
Haul-in membership is by application only and costs $100/month per horse.
All haul-in fees are covered by membership.
Membership Guildelines
If you are hauling in to Corral Creek Stables to use the trails or arenas, please understand that you do so under the terms of the following guidelines. Any participant may be asked to leave or asked not to return if we feel the participant is not participating in accordance with our guidelines and rules.
All haul-ins must have a current haul-in membership in good standing. If your haul-in membership application is approved, you will be given a 14-day free trial. After your trial ends, if you would like to continue hauling-in, you will be charged $100/month for each horse. Horses may have multiple riders per membership, but not the other way around.
Haul-in members are permitted to use the arena, round pen, wash racks, lounge and bathroom. Haul-in members may also use the tack-up and cross ties. No stall or turnout use is permitted. Please only ride on designated paths, arenas, or areas.
Do not take or use any bedding or feed.
Clean up manure, hair, and hay around your trailer and grooming area before you leave, as well as picking up any manure.
Please don’t park your trailer directly in front of the barn or arena entrance. You will be directed where to park.
No dogs, please. We have working guardian dogs that can get distracted from their duties.
No engaging in any commercial activities on the property without prior signed agreement with CCS and proof of insurance.
Please be considerate to boarders and other participants and respect all signage, closures and requests by staff or trainers.
Safe tack and attire required.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lisa Jackson at 503-625-2650 or email her at admin@corralcreek Thank you!
Corral Creek Stable Rules
General Facility Rules:
Everyone must sign the “Warning, Liability Release, and Indemnity Agreement”before conducting any activity on the Premises including guests and family members
Speed limit is 5 mph on shared driveway and Corral Creek Stable, LLC’s premises
Unless otherwise arranged with Stable, children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult at all times
No smoking, alcohol or drugs are permitted on the premises
No dogs are permitted on the premises, without express consent of Corral Creek Stable, LLC
Turn off all lights in the barn and arena when the buildings are empty
No outside trainers without express permission of Corral Creek Stable, LLC
Please close all doors and gates behind you in order to prevent injuries and loose horses. Close all gate latches, snaps and locks after passing through gates
Do not borrow another boarder's tack, grooming equipment unless given explicit permission. Any loss of equipment is not the responsibility of Corral Creek Stable, LLC
Please respect other others by not engaging in activities that could spook horses.
Boots with heels are required when mounted
Everyone under 18 years of age must wear a properly-fitted riding helmet when mounted
It is highly recommended that everyone 18 years of age and older wear a properly-fitted riding helmet when mounted
Everyone, regardless of age, must wear a properly-fitted riding helmet when jumping a horse while mounted.
Horse Handling:
Except when bridled, horses must be led with a properly-fitted halter and lead rope
Do not leave your horse unattended with a halter, lead rope or bridle on
Do not leave a horse unattended in the crossties, or unattended tied
Never tie horses in any other place other than the crossties or tie rings provided
No riding in the barn
Always close and latch stall doors
No feeding horses by hand, unless own horse or given permission
Do not handle other owners’ horses unless otherwise arranged
Clean up your horse’s manure/shavings/dirt/hair after grooming/ unloading/leading
After washing your horse, please turn off water, replace the hoses and leave the area as you found it. Turn off lights and heaters.
Clean up all manure from the arena after riding
Lunging permitted in controlled manner